FUN Members Benefits
- Its free to become a member
- Chat to other families in your local area who understand the challenges and hurdles you encounter as the parent of a child with SEND.
- Exclusive access to inclusive events throughout the year
- Our monthly FUN club meet up & activities at the Warrington Play & Sensory Centre
FUN Club @ The Warrington Play & Sensory Centre
Our monthly FUN club runs alternating Saturday & Sundays on the first weekend of each month. Each FUN club has activities and refreshments provided for up to 25 of our young people with their families.
For 2024 dates, please head to our events page
- Access to our members only Facebook group forum
- Sibling support to make friends with others who understand what it can be like to have a sibling with SEND
- Access to Sport/swim session on a Sunday at Woolston Hub
Sport/Swim Sessions
Run by Sport Works in partnership with LiveWire Warrington.
Aim: to Make Friends, Have FUN, Be Active and Improve Water Confidence
Where: Woolston Neighbourhood Hub, Hall Road, Woolston, Warrington, WA1 4PN
When: Sundays 15.00-17.00
Who: Anyone aged 4-16 with an additional need and who is a member of Families United & Their sibling(s)
How much: £3.50 per session when paying in advance for a block of 8 guaranteeing your place or £5 pay on the day
Staff: Members of staff are experienced & compassionate
How do I attend: Become a member and ask if we have any places available!
- To become a member please click below to complete our online membership form.